* Pastor - Reverend Bruce Freeman
* Deacons: Adrian Barham, Steve Holt, John Moore, and Walter Tate
* Sunday School Superintendent – Steve Holt
* Treasurer – Glen Blackburn
* Church Clerk – Stephanie Dillon
* Trustee – Steve Dillon, Gary Slate, and Adrian Barham
* Cemetery Committee – Steve Dillon, Clyde Gray, Hal Harless
* Sunday School Secretary – Denice Slate, Virginia Nuckles, Irene Shields
* Choir Director – Jim Laramore; Assistant - Hal Harless
* Church Pianist – Charlene Tester; Assistant Pianist - Joy Vaughn
* Church Organist – H.B. Clegg
* CD & Sound Ministry – Nathan Pilcher, Jim Laramore, Tony & Trudy Nuckles, & Doris Nuckles
* Children's Church & Nursery Director – Stephanie Moore
* Church Maintenance Committee – Clyde Ray Gray and Steve Dillon
* Custodian: Church – John & Stephanie Moore
* Custodian: Fellowship Hall – Wendy Barham
* Sick & Bereaved (Flowers) - Stephanie Dillon
* Bereaved (Meal Coordinator) - Carol Nuckles
* Men's Fellowship - Calvin Vaughn; Ladies' Fellowship - (Currently Vacant)
* Wed. night prayer leader - Jim Laramore
* Newsletter Committee: Sherrill Crater, Glenda Foust, Becky Redmon
* Member Phone Tree - Lisa Sarafini
* Church facebook page ~ Lisa Serafini
* Live Stream Team ~ John Moore; Nathan Pilcher, Asst.; Sherrill Crater and Marshall Freeman
* Church Web Site Design & Maintenance - John Moore